Boost your energy, lose weight, balance your hormones, banish bloating, and kick your brain fog to the curb in less than 4 weeks with our signature 28 Day Detox Program

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Boost your energy, lose weight, balance your hormones, banish bloating, and kick your brain fog to the curb in less than 4 weeks with our signature 28 Day Detox Program

Enter your email below to grab a spot on the waitlist. Limited spaces will be available.

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Here's a small sample of what you'll get in our 28 Day Detox

  • Access to our virtual coaching app that will provide you all the details you need to successfully implement an easy-to-follow food plan
  • Recipes, shopping lists, and a detailed meal plan. - We have customized a nutrient rich program to give your body the amino acids, herbs and minerals that your body needs to release excess fat and toxins.
  • Ability to track ALL of your daily metrics so you can measure your results
  • Value-driven video content to provide you with all of the knowledge and tools needed for your success.     
  • Access to a Private Facebook Group -  Be supported and inspired in our private online community of people just like you uncovering their health potential in the REIMAGINED HEALTH 28 Day Detox Program.
  • LIVE weekly office hours - Work with our highly trained functional medicine team of health coaches, led by Dr. Nashat Latib, to reach your goals.
  • And more!



Women’s hormonal health & wellness, reimagined.


Hi, I’m Dr. Nashat Latib and I believe that with a little support, EVERY SINGLE WOMAN can feel and look better than they could ever imagine.

Using my 20+ years experience as a Board Certified Physician, extensive training in Functional Medicine, and Anti-Aging therapies. my mission is to uncover the real, science-based answers to the deepest root cause of what’s keeping your hormones out of balance.

Perhaps everything looks normal on paper yet you just don’t feel like yourself. See, I know it may seem impossible to crack the code on your body (... I bet maybe even some docs have tried and failed, too).

But it’s only because you haven’t learned the language (think biochemistry) of your body.

By working together, I’ll partner with you to uncover what you probably thought was impossible: the best energy, hormone balance, mental clarity, gut health, sleep, body, and health of your life.


Follow along on IG at @yourfunctionaldoc


Women’s hormonal health & wellness, reimagined.


Hi, I’m Dr. Nashat Latib and I believe that with a little support, EVERY SINGLE WOMAN can feel and look better than they could ever imagine.

My mission is to uncover the root cause of what’s keeping your hormones out of balance using real science and evidence-based medicine. See, I know it may seem impossible to crack the code on your body (… I bet maybe even some docs have tried and failed, too.) But it’s only because you haven’t learned the language of your body or optimized your personal biochemistry. By working together, I’ll partner with you to uncover what you probably thought was impossible: vibrant energy, high quality sleep, a clear mind, and endless confidence in a body that brings you joy. Your health goals are WELL within reach. 


Follow along on IG at @yourfunctionaldoc